Wichita Mini Maker Faire 2016
This is my latest Drawbot. I have it on display at the "Wichita Mini Maker Faire". In the spirit of learning new stuff, I have re-written a lot of my code to Microsoft C#, only to realize that it is dog slow for graphics. Even with hacky lockbit type stuff on the Bitmaps, dog slow. Maybe I'm doing something really wrong, but my old Processing.org code was easily ten times faster.
Scraping hackaday...
Press F5 a few times before calling the lawyers...
Kansas City Maker Faire, 2014
We spent the weekend at the "2014 Kansas City Maker Faire". I feel so at home amongst the nerds and geeks. The crowd was stunning and the atmosphere electric. My drawbot survived and we managed to make a couple decent drawings and kill a few Sharpies. Rye, John, Tom, Dom, Jes, & Shawn were busy kicking some power-wheels racing butt.
2014 Kickoff Mixer
I got to show off my drawbot at the "2014 Kickoff Mixer". The event was located in a cool coworking space called "The Labor Party". The owner, Kenton, was kind enough to let me keep my bot there for a while longer. It has been a very good experience for me, and has really helped to re-energize my efforts with this project.
Tulsa Mini Maker Faire
Recently I got a chance go to the Tulsa Mini Maker Faire with MakeICT.org. I had a delightful time chatting with all the highly energetic makers of Tulsa. The show was well organized and only the weather kept it for being a stunning success.
I needed a place to jot down notes to myself. But being self absorbed and egotistical, I decided to put it on the web instead. Behold, my web site in all of it's splender.
Cocooned in the silence of retribution and thunderous remorse behoves all that lay before. Holves carry the weak and decrepit further than their wishes want, and hearts desire. Into the night, into the grey deserts of congealed tears. Whom shall be fearfull? Whom shall be of faith, of solid resolve? Speak of binding and tearing of fiber, muscle, and lost appendage. Blood soaked eyes and swollen tongue pitted against angels grasp. Feathered wings strike a chord and harps of fire and regret bemused empty souls. The coffers overflow with the hearts of children who now lay silent.
The silence behind you is me...
created: Dec. 1, 2013, 1:01 a.m.
modified: April 14, 2019, 1:02 a.m.